
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Poor Bosses ?

Everyone must have been surprised when they read a news item in one of the leading dailies that sweepers & drivers of a Govt company were drawing more salary than their bosses.The more astonishing fact is that these guys have not even done their school level fully.Some of them are found to be drop outs.Many eyebrows were raised on the correctness of this report.But one can say that the report is based on some facts ,leave alone the accuracy part of it.The fat salary they get may be more than those who sweat to draw after going through business schools. The dream salary of some one has thus become a reality for those without big qualification. In this context we may be questioned as to why some businessmen without any educational qualification mint money while others toil to achieve in their entire lifetime. Some may call this as inequality.
How do we justify people without any educational background becoming a poltician,an actor and make huge money? Yet it is different from people of the same organisation receiving compensation packages as above.Gone are the days when such finer aspects were taken into account at the time of offering payhike to the employees. Now the question is whether the yardstick is determined by the H.R.dept or the employees or some bosses who take the stick in their hands and favour the guys of their choice. It is due to unfair favouritism the issues arise. It is because of the callous attitude sincere people lose faith in the organisation& switch over to a new green pasture. Time has come to put an end to the haphazard ways and set new standards.H.R.of each organisation should take their time off and form good precedents.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Materialism vs Mindset

It is not uncommon to see people who rate themselves among others. They are not content to remain satisfied regardless of the comforts bestowed on them. The extent to which the greedy behaviour is dragged makes them more materialistic than they should be.Today I came to know about a person who made good business for decades calling it off saying enough money has been made and there is no need for him to continue it despite no possibility of losing anything.According to him, life is not meant for making money alone. Materialism should stop at one stage and focus should be given to those areas where attention has been missing all along. Though it may look philosophical, a calm thought will certainly reveal the true spirit with which many things have to be carried out in one's life.
Many people continue to look for jobs/consultancy even after retirement in order to spend time along with the ambition of making money.Their outlook is to remain independent as along as they can. Strictly speaking,one need not have apprehensions like this for the money earned should be sufficient throughout the remaining part of their lives.Spending time is also not so tough these days as it was few decades ago. Technology comes to our rescue wherever you settle down after retirement.All that is required is changing the mindset slightly.
Many people find it tough to change their mindset for the simple reason that it is almost impossible especially after the forties. Management gurus may not accept it because they can not sell thier theories so easily as of now.But the fact remains that changing the mindset is undoubtably a hard won battle.To prepare for the battle itself is a marathon task and people stop at this stage out of frustration. Very few people succeed by their repeated attempts. Once the mindset is changed,liberating materialism can become little easier. It is needless to say how important it is to get moulded at our younger age.
Yes,I fondly remember my friend who bid farewell to materialism and started thinking about the rest of his life.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Kindness,Thy name is God

People are literally shattered after the recent Tsunami,Katrina and the horrible earthquakes of high magnitude that had taken away thousands of lives and left millions homeless. Hearts bleed on seeing the pictures that portray the sorrow.On the other side,aid from all over the world pourin which shows the depth of kindness that arise from the hearts of those who realise that these calamities can happen anywhere to anybody.Hence the donors consider themselves as survivors and thank God.
One may wonder why people do not realize about people being killed on account of war before they start pouncing on their enemy.
Bombs are thrown even on civilian areas mercilessly and prisoners
of war are treated so shabbily and ruthlessly.
Where has the kindness gone at this stage when they rely on violence,vengence and take weapons.
Yet there are people who talk length and breadth about diversity
but fail to impress the Govts indulged in war.
Both these acts clearly show the amount of selfishness imbedded within,pour venom and dominate over the good quality.
Finally the much deserved quality in human life,namely Kindness takes a back seat.
Our ancestors have clearly explained the way to conquer the demon by praying to God for others .They have not distinguished between God and kindness. According to them,God is otherwise known as kindness.
As kindness is born out of Truth,which is the form of formless God,
he/she who realises Truth will realise God and naturally extend all help to his/her brethern without expecting any reward whatsoever.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

His Great Functions

English language has rightly named the Almighty as Creator.Philosophers call Him as omnipresent,omnipotent and so on. Yet no one can define the acts of God.It always remains as a puzzle to even His believers. There is no thumb rule that a person should be blessed / punished in a certain way. His unlimited kindness not only to human beings but also to other species is simply unparellel. His verdicts should always be respected and obeyed for the simple reason that He knows when to do what. As this truth is not easily understood even to God believers one can imagine the stand of non believers.Religious texts all over the world have tried to throw some light on this subject but we should admit that not all texts are accepted by the entire world. We can still call this as an act of God for it hides Him away from the entire race.
Having gone little deep into His Great Functions, the last but not the least fuction is destruction which is also witnessed throughout the world.In fact the Nature is blamed as a destroyer many times. Hurricanes,psunami,Water scarcity and killer diseases have played thier part in these decades. It is said that the God resumes His Creation once the world comes to a grinding halt. Great thinkers are of the view that destruction is an exceptional; act of God to show His kindness towards all creatures as they take a long rest under His feet and relieved of rebirth temporarily. Only those elevated souls get rid of rebirth and remain blissfully and eternally.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ardhra world of bliss

Dear Friends,
Welcome to Ardhra family.It is with a rich and noble purpose this page is created for you. Ardhra in Sanskrit means "drenching". To drench in the world of wisdom is the scope of this work. Knowledge which is shared leads us a step towards God's kingdom. It is indeed because of the service rendered to the humanity.
Life is made purposeful if we make use of the birth by caring for others. The wisdom we possess should never be allowed to go as a waste. Great Philosophers emerged on earth from time to time to share the bliss they obtained.One must remember that all acts we undertake from dawn to dusk should be meaningful.A careful audit of the self would perhaps reveal all good and bad we have done. This is a great opportunity to correct one's mistakes and lay a new platform to take the journey further. We have to necessarily reset our mind in the proper direction so as to meet the goal.
It is with this brief introduction I propose to take you to the world of bliss I have enjoyed during my lifetime in the coming days. Your feedback will definitely shape my thoughts to do a better work
